Are you curious about your Animal Blueprint?

Just over 3 minutes long, this video offers a sample of this personalized book .


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    Animal Blueprint Sessions

Focusing on practical tools you can apply right away, we’ll explore the various aspects of who you are and help you to fully use your gifts while also understanding and learning from your challenges.

    Coaching Sessions

Using questions and simple exercises we’ll determine what you want to achieve and, from this information, identify the most effective route to your goal.

    Creative Kinesiology Sessions

Using energy testing, we’ll discover the origins of deep-seated emotional, physical and energetic patterns, which can manifest in symptoms of aches and pains, illness, frustration with life, learning difficulties, depression, lack of confidence, low energy states and a lack of fulfillment or purpose. We then identify the best method of healing.

    Annual Cycle Session

How can you best navigate the current year? Find out which energies and patterns you’ll be dealing with and which strategies are most effective for you, based on your personal Blueprint.

Order your own Animal Blueprint ebook for only $47. Includes a free 15-minute phone overview with Becca

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